Problem: Ich kann in Teams meine Besprechungen nicht aufzeichnen.
Selbst, wenn sowohl sie Endanwender, als auch die Microsoft Office 365 Administration alles notwendige richtig eingestellt haben, kann die Funktion „Aufzeichnung beginnen“ in Teams deaktiviert sein.
Das liegt daran, dass der Dienst Stream, zum Beispiel in Deutschland, nicht verfügbar ist. Aktuell ist der Dienst in Europa (Irland) verfügbar.
Alternative Lösung:
Die Microsoft 365 Administration kann per Powershell die Richtlinie „AllowRecordingStorageOutsideRegion“ aktivieren. Diese sollte von Mitte Juni 2020 bis Mitte Juli 2020 ausgerollt werden.
Cloud Recording ist sofort verfügbar, obwohl Stream noch nicht in Deutschland verfügbar ist.
Wenn Stream in Deutschland verfügbar sein wird, werden neue Aufzeichnungen weiterhin nicht in Deutschland gespeichert und bestehende Aufzeichnungen werden nicht automatisch migriert.
Microsoft hat angekündigt, dass Stream bald (bis Ende 2020) in Deutschland verfügbar sein wird. Danach steht Cloud Recording zur Verfügung und die Aufzeichnungen werden in Deutschland gespeichert.
Microsoft 365 Admin Center-Nachrichtenbeitrag MC214327
„Updated Feature: Microsoft Stream cloud recordings regional storage control“
„Hauptupdate: Ankündigung
Gilt für: All
Meeting recordings are stored in Microsoft Stream cloud storage. Tenant admins have an option to go the Microsoft Teams admin center to turn ON/OFF „Allow cloud recording“ setting for Teams meetings. The recording feature is currently disabled for customers whose Teams data is stored in-country if Microsoft Stream is not available in country. We will be adding an additional setting which will allow customers to use recording if Microsoft Stream data residency is not yet in country.
We will begin rolling this change at the end of June and expect to be complete mid-July.
Note: This change applies to Teams meeting and call recordings. There is a plan for implementing a similar change for Teams live events, and we will communicate via Message center when available.
How does this affect me?
If tenant admin turns on AllowRecordingStorageOutsideRegion then the recordings will be stored in the nearest regional data center of Microsoft Stream. This will be the default behavior once the change takes effect. For customers who prefer to store the recordings in-country, it is recommended customers disable the meeting recording feature in Teams admin center and re-enable once Microsoft Stream is deployed in that country.
How will Teams meeting recordings work after the change?
If the tenant admin turns AllowRecordingStorageOutsideRegion ON:
before the Stream service is available in country
all recordings will be stored the in-region storage. If Stream is made available in-country later, any existing and new recordings will continue to be stored in the nearest regional data center.
after the Stream service is available in country
all recordings will be stored in country.
Will we change this behavior of saving meeting recordings to in country storage instead of in-region storage after Stream service is available in country?
Yes, new tenants and existing tenants that have not yet enabled meeting recordings will save new recordings in the in country storage after Stream is available in country. However, any tenant that enables meeting recordings BEFORE Stream is available in country will continue to use the in-region storage even after Stream is available in country.
Will recordings be migrated from in-region to in country storage after Stream service is available in country?
No, recordings will not be migrated.
If a tenant admin has turned ON recording before Stream service is made available in country, then all past and new recordings after Stream service is available will continue to be stored in the in-region storage.
How do I know which region my tenant is in and where is the data stored for Microsoft Stream?
If you use Microsoft Stream and your Office 365 tenant is in a region outside of regions where Stream is currently deployed to, your data will be stored in the nearest geographic region.
To find the region your tenant is in:
In Stream, click ? in the upper right corner.
Click About Microsoft Stream.
Click Your data is stored in.
For more general information on where data is stored across services in Office 365, see Where is your Office 365 data located.
Which new countries will have Microsoft Stream enabled?
Microsoft Stream will be adding Stream storage instances in more regions and locations over time. Here is the list of regions Stream plans to support by end of 2020 (available regions in italics ):
UK, Canada, Australia, India, Japan, Norway, France, Singapore, UAE, China, South Africa, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden
How do I turn off Teams meeting recording for all users in my tenant?
Select Meeting Policies -> Global and turn off „Allow cloud recording“.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
When this change takes effect, you will need to verify that „Allow cloud recording“ is set for the experience you prefer.“
Weiterführende Links
- Aufzeichnen einer Besprechung in Microsoft Teams
- Voraussetzungen für die Aufzeichnung von Teams-Cloudbesprechungen
Stay blogged. 😎
Dein Matthias Düsi
In Zeiten von Corona und distance learning stellen viele Schulen auf digitalen Unterricht online um. Ich möchte Schulen helfen und Wissen teilen. Daher starte ich die YouTube Reihen mit Anleitungen zu digitalem Unterricht für Lehrkräfte und Admins zu Microsoft Office 365. Alle Tutorials zu Microsoft Office 365, Teams, online Unterricht und Co. werde ich in zwei YouTube Playlists sammeln:
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